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Condenser Coil and the Chemistry behind Condenser Coils

Time and time again people ask: What exactly is a Condenser Coil? There are two types of definitions of a condenser coil. I will go over the definition and chemistry of condenser coils. We can start with the general definition . A condenser coil is a series or circuiting of tubes filled with refrigerant that work through the fins. The condenser coil removes heat from the hot, gaseous refrigerant so that the refrigerant becomes a liquid before it leaves the condenser coil. There are many aspects that determine the exact circuiting of the network of tubes including CFM (airflow), EAT (entering air temperature) and type of refrigerant to make some examples available to you. The chemistry behind condenser coils is simple and the definition is clear: "a. an apparatus for reducing gases to their liquid or solid form by the abstraction of heat" and "b. a device for abstracting heat, as in a refrigeration unit". The main point being that a condenser coil is designed to change the state of the refrigerant from a gas to a liquid before heading to the DX evaporator coil. Nationwide Coils, Inc. specializes in designing custom and direct replacement condenser coils. We offer a large library of direct replacement condenser coils for all OEM manufacturers. If you have any questions about condenser coils or any other type of HVAC coil do not hesitate to contact us!