Upgrade Your Microchannel today! -- Improve performance and reliability.

McQuay/Daikin Commercial OEM Replacement Coils

In 2006, McQuay became a subsidiary of Daikin Applied Americas. The McQuay name was abandoned and in 2008 rebranded Daikin-McQuay. The name was changed yet again, to Daikin Applied in 2013. Through many mergers and acquisitions, the company has expanded and developed their product line. No matter which year your unit is from and no matter which brand name it falls under, Nationwide Coils can create its direct replacement coil. This includes model series AGZ, RDT, RPS, MPS and ACZ. Just contact us with your existing unit or model number.

For all you HVAC professionals with kids, you can thank McQuay for their well-cooled classroom — as McQuay created the first classroom unit ventilator!

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Please Note:

Nationwide Coils specializes in commercial and industrial HVAC coils and does not manufacture or distribute coils for residential applications.

Have a McQuay/Daikin unit with all-aluminum microchannel coils?

Upgrade to a copper tube, aluminum fin coil – an efficient, cost-effective way to address the leaking issues that are inherent in OEM MCHX coils.
