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Hot Gas Reheat Coils

Hot gas reheat coils are used during the cooling cycle to to dehumidify the cool air coming from the DX evaporator coil that passes through it. This is an efficient method of dehumidifying the air using the hot gas refrigerant before it goes to the condenser coil to be cooled. Ordering a hot gas re heat coil is a sensitive matter and certain details need to be followed when ordering a replacement. Calculating the enthalpy to measure mass refrigerant flow is critical to the correct operation of your hot gas re heat coil. At Nationwide Coils we work with you to calculate your refrigerant mass flow allowing the perfect direct replacement of your hot gas reheat coil. The alternative to calculating refrigerant mass flow is duplicating the circuit of the existing hot gas re heat coil. If you have any question regarding hot gas reheat coils do not hesitate to contact us!