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Munters HCUC Condenser Coils

Munters HCUC Condenser Coils located in this De-humidification unit has the tough task of constant operation throughout the year to control humidity inside the buildings they sit on top of. This constant operation over the year takes a heavy toll on the condenser coils within these units. The Munters HCUC is no exception, this unit has two condenser coils the standard condenser coil and the reactivation coil that uses the hot gas by product to dehumidify the outside air prior to entering the unit. These coils are constantly facing the tough conditions of operation in all climates with constant expansion and contraction of the copper tubes causing these them to degrade faster then most other coils. At Nationwide Coils we offer direct replacement coil solutions, with the ability to increase the materials of construction using a thicker copper tube wall to combat the rigorous conditions that the copper faces on a daily basis. This HCUC6030 unit has three different circuits in a face split configuration that all operate independently. This is different then the sister unit of the HCUW that has a single stage condenser coil that is either operating or not. Both units have a reactivation coil that are tall and narrow and are both 2 rows to efficiently control the humidity of the entering air. If you have any questions about coils in the Munters unit or any other unit contact us! We look forward to assisting you with whatever coil issues you may encounter out there. www.nationwidecoils.com