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Replacement Tube Bundles

Replacement Tube Bundles are a part inside a shell and tube heat exchanger that allows for water to be heated within the tubes of the bundle without coming in contact with primary heating source. Tube bundles are used for hot water heating both potable and non potable. The most common source of heat transfer for heat exchangers is "steam to water" or "water to water". The steam or water entering the shell of the heat exchanger are produced from a steam boiler or hot water boiler to heat the cold water entering the tube bundle. Two types of replacement tube bundles are the u-bend and straight bundle and are selected depending on the design of the existing heat exchanger. The materials of construction are usually copper tube with steel tube sheets. We offer many more materials including Cupro-Nickel, Brass, Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel to name a few. Nationwide Coils specializes in cross referencing model numbers from OEM manufacturers and providing you with a superior direct replacement tube bundle. Offering 24 hour build options for emergencies and standard production of 15 business days. Some Manufactureres:
  • Armstrong
  • Patterson-Kelley
  • Bell & Gosset
  • ITT Standard
  • A.O. Smith
  • Taco
  • Reco
  • Old Dominion
  • Yula
  • American Standard
  • Adamson