Site Bite: Sizing an Evaporator Coil at JFK Airport
Go on site with James Filauro, NY-area Account Manager, and intern, Jack Kessler, as a recent coil job lands them at New York’s busiest airport. Jack then further spreads his wings and comes through with the blog!
As a trainee learning the ropes, it can be a very stressful yet exhilarating experience. Especially when you are on an important jobsite like JFK Airport in Queens, NY. I had only been a part of the Nationwide Coils team for about a month when James and I went to JFK, so I was still learning the many different ways to obtain measurements, talk the talk, and how to foster a solid relationship with the customer.
The coil that needed replacing was located in the control tower, which made this one job we would not soon forget.

Just to get to the control tower took about two hours. The security was top notch, running background checks and diligently escorting us through the airport. Driving across the runway with planes landing and taking off made this site visit all the more adventurous, especially for a newbie like myself.
After finally getting to the control tower, we had to wait for an additional escort to bring us inside. With some construction underway at the tower, we hopped in the temporary scaffolding elevator to take us to the top.
Once arriving at the unit, we noticed one problem: the evaporator coil we came to size was already taken out and scrapped. However, the original Trane® chilled water coil was still present in the unit. With James’s experience, he was able to use the chilled water coil’s dimensions to work up a size for the absent evaporator coil, and I took diligent notes.

The mechanical contractor on site was adamant about the connection locations for the evaporator coil, which we didn’t have. However, we were able to grab the locations for the connections by climbing into the unit and measuring the existing holes off the side panel.

As long as we understood where the new coil would lie in the unit, we could use this side panel to duplicate the original coil’s connection locations to perfection! Yet another reason to go with the experienced professionals (and one highly enthusiastic intern) at Nationwide Coils.