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The recent Nor'Easter storm in the Northeast region serves as a big reminder that cold weather is upon us, and it's only going to get colder. As the temperatures drop and heating coils are in higher demand, we know it's important to help educate our customers about our heating products - especially our steam coils. To help you find out more information about steam coils, we've launched SteamCoils.com - a new website dedicated to providing information on our standard steam coils and steam distribution coils (also known as non-freeze steam coils), as well as our opposite end steam coil configurations. There, you can find everything you need to know about steam coils; from materials, to operating temperatures, to FAQ, and as always - get your free quote right on the website. As an added bonus, we've included lots of additional information and links such as our Coil Selection Tool application, our LinkedIn profile information, Quick Ship info, and access to our full line of products with our eCatalog. Check out SteamCoils.com today!