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ThermiCoil - Insulated Sections for HVAC Coils

Nationwide Coils is proud to introduce and announce the addition of coils with insulated casings to its product capabilities. ThermiCoil insulated coils are suitable for refrigerant and hydronic applications and can accommodate a wide range of airflows. They address the needs of building professionals with rigorous indoor air quality standards, coupled with easy maintenance for sustainability. Among the benefits of ThermiCoil construction: • Casing isolates condensation from the airstream for better indoor air quality. • Insulation is not exposed to airstream to discourage mold growth. • Dual sloped drain pan for drainage of condensate and improved indoor air quality. • Stainless steel drain pan and coil supports to resist rusting from condensate. • Removable coil for easy maintenance. ThermiCoil™ expands our offering of replacement coils for existing buildings and also the OEM channel. For additional information do not hesitate to contact us!