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TRANE SXHFC Series Condenser Coils

Yesterday we were on a site survey in Del Ray Beach Florida to perfect the dimensions of the TRANE SXHFC series condenser coils. The coils proved to be difficult considering several variables. For instance there are support beams for the fans inside the unit which could interfere with the tube supports of the coil particularly with installation. A simple shift of the tube supports will alleviate the issue. Another point of concern in the installation is that the condenser coils have to be remove from the sides as opposed to out the top because they are mounted to the fans above them. In addition, the design of the condenser coil is a bit different from a standard condenser coil. The coil sits at an angle inside the unit which is why the top and bottom are angled to points rather then a square shape. These angles and measurements are critical. With little room for movement the angles must fit into the bracket for a secure installation. This is a very large condenser coil with opposite end connections. The liquid line is opposite the hot gas and collection headers. Overall there are many moving parts in the production of such a complex condenser coil.