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TRANE YCD-TCD Condenser Coil

We have had multiple request for quotes on the TRANE YCD condenser coils so I wanted to take a minute to explain the similarities and differences bewtween the models. The most common model numbers are YCD181, YCD240 and YCD301. For those of you that have physically seen these TRANE units you are aware that the models are very similar in physical size leading many to believe that all of the YCD/TCD have the same condenser coils. That is not correct. The condenser coils for TRANE model YCD181, YCD240 and YCD 301 are the same physical size in face area. The difference between the coils are the circuiting configurations, each condenser coil is circuited to operate with the specific model for optimum efficiency. We have also found out that the YCD and TCD are the same units. (So the same thing goes for TCD181, TCD240 and TCD301) Nationwide Coils offers direct replacement condenser coils for all TRANE YCD/TCD units.