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Water Coils

Nationwide Coils, Inc manufacturers all types of HVAC coils including water coils - Most times when we think of water coils it is in relation to comfort heating and cooling but many cases it is used to produce products we consume on an everyday basis. We have supplied water coils to chicken farms, pig farms, dairy farms and mushroom farms that use these water coils to optimize the production and quality of there products. Above you will see a picture of hot water coils used to heat a chicken farm during the cold weather months of the mid-west. This allows consistent product of poultry throughout the entire year. At Nationwide Coils we have the ability to design and engineer water coils to our customers exact specifications to meet and exceed strict requirements of the end user. Another unique feature of this project is that the hot water is produced from a wood fired hot water boiler, supplying that hot water coils with hot water. In this situation the wood used for the boiler is byproduct from the farm that is no longer being utilized, making it environmentally sound and a cost effect solution for hot water. We look forward to assisting you with all your HVAC coil needs including water coils.