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The Nationwide Coils Blog :
Helping Make Commercial HVAC a Breeze.

Visit our blog frequently for insight into the commercial HVAC industry, including coil tips, industry news, current happenings and more.

Nationwide Coils offers direct replacement Tube Bundles for shell and tube heat exchangers. 90% of the time for direct replacement tube bundles all we needed is the model number and we take care of th...

Today we measured 6 chilled water coils for replacement at one of the many local hospitals in our area. Selecting the correct coil company provides you the ability to focus on the installation while w...

Many customers order coils unaware of the environmental air conditions that lead to premature coil failure and loss in efficiency. Joshua D. Sole, Ph.D., Senior Mechanical Engineer, Mainstream Enginee...

It has been the most popular Carrier condenser coil direct replacement replacement the last several months, many customers are not aware that Nationwide Coils, Inc. sells direct replacement coils for ...

As the Fall begins to take its hold across the country it's time for us "HVAC people" to put ourselves and facilities in the best possible position this heating season. Nationwide Coils is standing by...

It's Sunday @ Nationwide Coils we have two things on are mind every Sunday Coils and Football!!! But in all seriousness this is one of the great features of working with Nationwide Coils we are access...

HVAC coils are a mechanical system component that often fall into the "out-of-sight; out-of-mind" category. A few minutes of attention in the approaching Fall season can help prevent issues which coul...

Across the board I have been hearing and seeing first hand the need for replacement AAON condenser coils and the current high cost of these replacement coils. There is a solution - I have traveled th...

[caption id="attachment_264" align="alignnone" width="300"] Update - The lennox LGE 240 has been manufactured and the final step is pressure testing at 600 PSIG in our test tank[/caption] Coming to y...

When a steam coil is properly installed it is one of the single most important factors in combating steam coil freeze ups. During installation of your steam coil it MUST be pitched in the direction of...

Keep coils clean to maintain maximum performance. For operation at highest efficiency, clean coils more often during periods of high cooling demand or when dirty conditions prevail. For example, remov...

As the winter season is fast approaching Nationwide Coils wants to keep our customers ahead! Implement a maintenance program to insure that steam traps are operating correctly and at maximum efficien...

Hot water coils was developed to allow our customers easy access to an informational website dedicated to hot water coils only. The Nationwide Coils team will continue to provide the most up to date i...