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The Nationwide Coils Blog :
Helping Make Commercial HVAC a Breeze.

Visit our blog frequently for insight into the commercial HVAC industry, including coil tips, industry news, current happenings and more.

Stainless Steel Steam coils are designed and manufactured for high pressure steam applications and prevent excessive corrosion due to condensate. When designing and ordering Stainless Steel steam coil...

TRANE SAHGC-90 Video - Thanks Rick Attached is a video rick did showing the TRANE SAHGC-90 in action. Nationwide Coils offers direct replacement condenser and DX evaporator coils for this and other T...

Hot gas reheat coils are used during the cooling cycle to to dehumidify the cool air coming from the DX evaporator coil that passes through it. This is an efficient method of dehumidifying the air usi...

AAON condenser coils are always my favorite to measure and the the RK-05 does not disappoint. Very similar in physical size of it's sister unit the RK-03 , having two rows with 1 less feed on the liqu...

The AAON Rk-03 RTU has a unique circuiting configuration that includes a 1 pass sub cooler, making it an interesting condenser coil. There is and additional feed to the liquid collection header as wel...

[caption id="attachment_262" align="alignnone" width="300"] Lennox LGE 240 Condenser Coil - Coated by Energy Guard USA[/caption] Energy Guard USA & Nationwide Coils Nationwide Coils is excited t...

The recent Nor'Easter storm in the Northeast region serves as a big reminder that cold weather is upon us, and it's only going to get colder. As the temperatures drop and heating coils are in higher d...

We wanted to take a minute to quickly review vertical installation of steam coils, as it has been a recent topic of discussion. It is possible to have vertical steam coil installation but is not commo...

Nationwide Coils, Inc. has spent much time generating the best coil images in the industry! Be sure to check them all out! Click Header to View Sneak Preview Image of One of Our Steam Coils ...

At Nationwide Coils we are constantly evolving, growing, and continuing to be the leading supplier for custom and replacement heat transfer equipment. I wanted to share with everyone recent project a ...

Nationwide Coils, Inc is your best source for direct replacement condenser coils for Lennox, Carrier, TRANE and others. Do not hesitate to call us at 1-888-264-5776 ask for Stephen!...

It's heating season and Nationwide Coils offers quality steam coils and hot water coils, with competitive pricing and hands down the best customer service in the industry! 1-888-264-5776...

Nationwide Coils has recently added the T Drill to our line of tooling equipment. This set up will greatly enhance the connection points from the header on the supply and return tubes. At Nationwide c...